Lego Bento

We're all big fans of Lego in this family. After a recent visit to Legoland Windsor, I was inspired to create a Lego themed bento for my daughter.
To make the Lego blocks I used a straw to poke holes into the cucumber and carrot, cut the vegetable a little slimmer then stuck the circle that had been cut out back into the veg. Which created little Lego like bumps.
I used turmeric to colour the rice yellow (probably a little too much as my daughter didn't like the taste, whoops......less is more with such a strong spice).

Harry Potter Bento

My daughter is a huge Harry Potter fan. We're hoping to visit Harry Potter world in the next few months, so to tide her over until our adventure I created this little bento for her. I will no doubt make some more Potter inspired designs in the near future.

Teddy Bear Bento

I made this cute little bear by adding soya sauce into the rice whilst still hot and gently stirring it in until you have an even light brown colour.
My daughter absolutely loved this bento bear!

Teddy Bear Sandwich Bento

Hello there, its been a while! A couple of years in fact since I uploaded a new bento creation. A lot has happened in those 2 years. We've moved house (twice), got a crazy puppy and had a new addition to our family.
I'm pleased to say I now have the time and enthusiasm to bake and make bento again for my family, and will be sharing them with you here and on Instagram. Please follow me here @beanie.bento

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