Rabbit Wagashi Mooncake Recipe

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

On my last trip to London I stumbled upon a wonderful Japanese confectionary shop. I found these adorable rabbit shaped wagashi and purchased a few a gifts. 

Having never made wagashi before, I thought these would be a good place to start.

I made the Shiro-an and Anko paste, you can find these recipes in my previous posts.

Please click the post for the recipe.

Ingredients (makes about 6)
  • shiro-an 200g (Japanese white bean paste)
  • egg yolk 1
  • joshinko 1 tbsp (rice flour)
  • Anko paste 90g 
  • mirin 1 tsp
1. Place shiro-an paste into a pan and gently heat for a couple of minutes.
2. Add half of the egg yolk and joshinko (rice flour), mix well. Place back on a low heat and stir for one minute. Add the remaining egg yolk, and heat for a further minute. 
3. Remove from heat and mix until you have a nice soft dough you can mould with your hands.
4. Divide into 6 servings of 26g and keep the remaining dough to one side.
5. Divide anko paste into 6 15g portions.
6.Flatten the dough and put the anko paste inside. Shape into a nice round oval, repeat for the remaining 5 portions of dough.
7. Use the left over dough and shape into little ears and round balls for the tails. Use a cocktail stick or similar to make holes for the eyes. 
8. Brush a thin layer of mirin on top of the wagashi before baking in the oven at 200C for about 10/ 15 mins until the ears are nicely browned.

*Notes* Recipe adapted from Little Miss Bento

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