Baymax Bread Faces

A quick snack for the mini bean after a busy day helping mummy do the shopping.
Simply cut bread into circles and draw on the eyes with chocolate or icing.
I found this fantastic chocolate that comes in a tube, which you heat in a jug of hot water....then voilĂ ! Its ready to draw yummy chocolate over anything! It hardens within a few minutes and tastes delicious. 
Its called Cake Decor Choco Writer and is available from most supermarkets here in the UK.

Panda Bento Box

I made these little panda bears by shaping the rice into panda shapes, then added nori to make the arms, and features.

Caterpillar Pull Apart Bread Buns

I made the bread using this recipe:

Once the dough has proved, roll the dough balls out into 10 even pieces, maybe make the head a tiny bit bigger than the body. Arrange them in your chosen caterpillar shape, on a slightly greased baking tray.
Cut a black olive into two slices to use as the eyes, add the egg wash and chosen seeds. I went with sesame and chia seed. Let it rest for 30 minutes then pop into the oven at 180C for 12 minutes, or until browned to your liking!
I drew on a mouth with edible pen (best to do this part once bread has cooled).

Enjoy hot from the oven with butter or wait until cooled to add a yummy filling.

Hello Kitty Bow Bento

Sorry for the huge delay since my last post. We moved house and its all been a bit hectic! But, I'm back in the swing of bento and baking. I have a few more bakes to upload in the next few days, but's first it's a new bento!

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